Latihan Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 5 Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022
Hai adik-adik kelas 5, apa kabar kalian? Semoga selalu sehat dan tambah terampil dalam berbahasa Inggris. Setelah kita mempelajari Materi Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 5 tiba saatnya kita belajar untuk menghadapi Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT) tahun pelajaran 2021/2022, alangkah lebih baiknya adik-adik banyak berlatih mengerjakan soal latihan supaya hasil belajar kalian sangat memuaskan dan nilai raport pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kalian bagus.
Untuk para guru Bahasa Inggris, soal latihan berikut juga bisa menjadi bahan referensi untuk mengajar di sekolah kalian. Baiklah berikut adalah Latihan Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 5 Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022.
I. Chose the correct answer by crossing (X) A, B, C or D!
(Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (X) huruf A, B, C, atau D!)
Conversation for number 1 to 3.
Sandi : "Do you have any rabbits, Wandi?"
Wandi : "Yes, I do."
Sandi : "How many rabbits do you have?"
Wandi : "I have twelve rabbits."
Sandi : "What do your rabbits eat?"
Wandi : "They eat grass."
1. Wandi has ... rabbits.
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 13
2. Rabbits eat ....
A. rice
B. grass
C. fish
D. meat
3. Does Wandi has any rabbits?
A. Yes, he do
B. No, he don't
C. Yes, he does
D. No, he doesn't
4. Cindy : "What is the number after thirty two?
Windy : "It is number ...."
32, 33, 34, 35
A. thirty one
B. thirty five
C. thirty four
D. Thirty three
5. Vina : "What is twenty five plus thirty?"
Eppa : "It is ...."
25 + 30 = ...
A. fifty five
B. fifty
C. forty five
D. thirty five
6. Mr. Andri's job is defend the country.
He is a ....
A. teacher
B. soldier
C. singer
D. dancer
7. Mr. Handi makes furnitures.
He is a ....
A. driver
B. farmer
C. mechanic
D. carpenter
8. Mr. Jamal plants the paddy in the rice field.
He is a ....
A. sailor
B. farmer
C. teacher
D. artist
Text for number 9 to 13
(Teks untuk nomor 9 sampai 13)
My name is Jody. I am a student. I have a brother and a sister. My brother's name is Jordan and my sister's name is Jovita. Jordan works in a workshop. He repairs the broken cars. He is a mechanic. While my sister works at school. She teaches the students. She is a teacher.
9. Jody is a ....
A. teacher
B. student
C. mechanic
D. doctor
10. Jordan works in the ....
A. school
B. workshop
C. rice field
D. hospital
11. Jordan is a ....
A. teacher
B. student
C. pilot
D. mechanic
12. What does Jovita do?
A. She teaches the students
B. She types the letter
C. She help the doctor
D. She makes clothes
13. Jovita is a ....
A. secretary
B. headmaster
C. teacher
D. typist
Text for number 14 to 17
(Teks untuk nomor 14 sampai 17)
Long time ago, people just had carts, horses, camels, raft and cow as their means of transportation. They need a long time to move to other places because their means of transportation couldn't move fast.
14. The text above is about the ... means of transportation.
A. modern
B. traditional
C. new
D. expensive
15. People use ... to cross the river long time ago.
A. car
B. plane
C. pedicab
D. raft
16. Traditional transportation need a long time to move to other places because ....
A. they are cheap
B. they are expensive
C. they move fast
D. They couldn't move fast
17. People need a .... time to move to other place.
A. short
B. big
C. long
D. little
18. Mr. Bakri flies the plane. He is a ....
A. pilot
B. policeman
C. soldier
D. teacher
19. The shape of marble is ....
A. oval
B. circle
C. cone
D. triangle
20. The shape of egg is ....
A. triangle
B. rectangle
C. cube
D. oval
Text for number 21 to 24
(Teks untuk nomor 21 sampai 24)
Ms. Yuli is a librarian. She works in the library of Benteng Elementary School. She helps the students in finding the books they want to read. She is a kind librarian. Many students like her very much.
21. Ms. Yuli is a ....
A. student
B. librarian
C. teacher
D. headmaster
22. Librarian is a person who works in the ....
A. school
B. office
C. restaurant
D. library
23. Ms. Yuli helps the students in finding the ....
A. bag
B. pencil
C. book
D. pen
24. Many students like Ms. Yuli very much because she is ....
A. kind
B. beautiful
C. diligent
D. polite
25. We can know the announcement by looking at the ....
A. dictionary
B. announcement board
C. story book
D. classroom at school
26. There are ... seasons in Indonesia.
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
27. The Indonesian meaning of windy is ....
A. bersalju
B. berkabut
C. mendung
D. berangin
28. The four seasons in Europe are ....
A. spring, summer, autumn, winter
B. winter, hot, wet, spring
C. spring, hot, autumn, winter
D. wet, spring, hot, summer
29. In wet season, the weather is ....
A. hot
B. shiny
C. warm
D. cloudy
30. People usually call rainy season as ....
A. dry season
B. spring
C. wet season
D. winter
II. Fill in the blanks!
(Isilah titik-titik berikut!)
31. Nine multiplied by three is ....
32. It is number ....
33. My uncle works in the hospital. He cures the patient. He is a ....
34. This shape is ....
35. This shape is ....
36. We can borrow a story book in the ....
37. We use ... in the rainy season.
38. There ... four seasons in Europe.
Arrange into good sentences!
(Susunlah menjadi kalimat-kalimat yang benar!)
39. pilot - Mr. Jona - a - is
40. table - book - is - The - on - the
31. 27 (twenty seven)
32. twenty
33. doctor
34. triangle
35. square
36. library
37. umbrella
38. are
39. Mr. Jona is a pilot.
40. The book is on the table.
Jika betul semua, 30 X 1 = 30
2. Bagian 2, setiap nomor yang betul mendapatkan skor 2
Jika betul semua, 10 X 2 = 20
30 + 20 = 50 50/5 = 10
Itulah Latihan Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris SD Kelas 5 Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022. Mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan dalam penulisan.
Semoga bermanfaat.
pictures : google